Motto: Judecătorul bun condamnă crima fără să condamne criminalul. (Seneca)

B. Casa crimei

Într-o casă a fost comisă o crimă. Eşti în rolul unui inspector care interoghează pe cei aflaţi acolo, punând tuturor aceeaşi întrebare: unde era fiecare în momentul crimei ?

  • Unii locatari sunt mincinoşi: ei nu spun adevărul în cel puţin una din afirmaţiile lor (este posibil totuşi ca alte afirmaţii ale lor să fie adevărate).
  • Unul din locatari este criminalul.
  • Deşi într-o cameră pot fi mai mulţi oameni simultan (chiar şi în baie), totuşi numai unul din ei a fost present în camera unde a avut loc crima.


Sunt 8 camere:  bucătărie, sufragerie, baie, 3 dormitoare, garaj, pivniţă.

Sunt 6 persoane: Andrei, Bianca, Carmen, Dorin, Elena, Filip.

4 din ei sunt mincinoşi.

Unul din locatari este criminalul

Fiecare dă 3 răspunsuri. Anume:


  1. Carmen era în al doilea dormitor.
  2. Acolo eram şi eu.
  3. Dorin era in baie.


  1. Sunt de accord cu Andrei că Dorin era in baie.
  2. iar Carmen era în al doilea dormitory.
  3. Dar eu cred că Andrei era în sufragerie, Oh Doamne!


  1. Bianca era în bucătărie.
  2. cu Filip.
  3. Eu eram în baie.


  1. Şi eu spun: Carmen era în al doilea dormitory.
  2. Iar Elena era in baie.
  3. Andrei era în primul dormitor.


  1. Carmen era sigur in baie.
  2. Cu Filip.
  3. Iar Bianca era in bucătărie.


  1. Dorin era in bucătărie.
  2. Iar eu eram in al doilea dormitory.
  3. cu Carmen.


  1. Cine este criminalul ?
  2. Cine minte?
  3. Unde era fiecare locatar în momentul crimei?

Sursă: Michael Winckler, Puzzle No. 049

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Murder house

General rules for Murder House:

  • A murder was commited in a house with several rooms.
  • The Inspector (you) interrogates people in the house by asking them questions about who was where.
  • Some of them are liars: They are not telling the truth in at least one of their statements but not necessarily all their statements are lies.
  • One of them is the murderer.
  • Although any number of people could have been in any room at the same time (even the baie), only one of them was present in the room where the killing took place.

Special rules for this Murder House (originally Murder House #3):

  • 8 rooms: kitchen, living room, bathroom, 3 bedrooms, garage, basement.
  • 6 people: Andrei, Bianca, Carmen, Dorin, Elena, Filip.
  • 4 liars
  • 1 murderer
  • 3 questions each.


  1. Carmen was in the 2nd bedroom.
  2. So was I.
  3. Dorin was in the bathroom.


  1. I agree with Andrei that Dorin was in the bathroom
  2. and Carmen was in the 2nd bedroom.
  3. But I think that Andrei was in the living room, OH MY GOD!


  1. Bianca was in the kitchen
  2. with Filip.
  3. But I was in the bathroom.


  1. I still say Carmen was in the 2nd bedroom
  2. and Elena was in the bathroom.
  3. Andrei was in the 1st bedroom.


  1. Carmen was in the bathroom
  2. with Filip.
  3. And Bianca was in the kitchen.


  1. Dorin was in the kitchen.
  2. And I was in the 2nd bedroom
  3. with Carmen.

The questions:

  • Who is the murderer?
  • Who is lying?
  • Who was where?